Going Out To Your Favorite Restaurant On The HCG Diet

It never fails!  You just started HCG injections and now your friends want to"get together".  Going out to a nice restaurant while on the HCG Diet is possible if you make the right choices.

The HCG Diet can be very restrictive if you don't have a food plan in place and or some great HCG Diet safe recipes at your finger tips. 
It doesn't have to feel that restrictive though and the occasional visit to a nice restaurant could be just the thing that keeps you faithful to your new way of life.  If you stick to protein, vegetables, and fruit low in sugars (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries) the diet can continue to work for you even on a night out with the girls.  My favorite thing to have on a night out while on HCG injections is:

  • Filet mignon - approximately 7 ounces.  I have also had 8 or 9 oz only to be blown away the next day when the scale gave me a whopping 3-pound loss!  If you have heard of a steak day when you get to maintenance this works the same way but you can use it when you are in the losing phase of the diet as well to boost your losses or break a stall. 
  • Asparagus, green beans, and a salad with a vinaigrette dressing on the side so you can control how much you have  (tip try dipping your fork in the dressing with each bite you get the taste of dressing and use a whole lot less.)
  • 2 glasses of red wine 

The only thing you want to warn your server of is that you cannot have any added sugars.  You don't need to ask them to omit oils.  You may, however, want to check that they are using healthy oils such as olive oil.  If you don't consume enough oil your body will continue to stall repeatedly.  If you consume enough oil 2-3 tablespoons per meal your body will feel more comfortable releasing your abnormal fat stores and you will release more of them.  Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils we can use because our bodies use it immediately for fuel and it increases your metabolism.  Olive oil is also a very healthy oil that is good to consume while you are losing weight.  The addition of olive oil helps us to put our bodies to work burning fat.  The original protocol warns against fat consumption of any kind but with years of research, we find that the opposite turns out to be true.  Those that eat a healthy amount of fat lose more weight than those that avoid it all together.

It is best to save the wine for HCG maintenance however if you encounter a special occasion and you must the healthiest choice is red wine or clear liquors with no sugar mixers.  Soda water and lime are a great option.  The reason we say no to wine is that often the alcohol will lower your inhibitions and many times it can derail your diet. 

For more information on the HCG diet and to purchase complete kits visit My HCG Supplies
